Welcome to the Office and Professional Employees International Union Local 512
Local 512 of the Office of Professional Employees International Union, (OPEIU) is comprised of people from many different work areas and walks of life, all seeking the same results. Fair and equitable treatment from our employers.

Local 512 is part of a collective of different Locals that make up Office of Professional Employees International Union. This affords Local 512 of the force of over 100,000 members strong. All fighting the same fight. There is a great strength in numbers, and being part of the larger collective affords us the opportunity to have our concerns heard on a much higher than local level.

Latest News

Election Results

The elections for the OPEIU Local 512 took place and completed on November 15, 2019, the results areas follows:

  • President - Aaron Sanders
  • Vice President - Wil Henderson
  • Secretary Treasurer - Carol Strachan
  • Recording Secretary - John Strachan
  • Trustees 
    • Brett Campbell
    • Gilbert Martinez
    • Brian Roberson
    • Karilyn Sanders

Due to not having enough members run for Trustee positions, Maurice Brandy was appointed to the board as a trustee. All board members ran unopposed.  OPEIU Local 512 still has two trustee seats sitting vacant. 


2020 Democrats Try to Woo Back Trump’s Union Voters

  • 19 February 2019
  • Author: Local 512
  • Number of views: 5479
LAWRENCE, Massachusetts—Against the faded brick facade of the Everett Mill, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) officially began her presidential bid this past weekend. And she did so by looking backwards. 

Warren told a story of collective action, of workers uniting behind common goals and bridging language and ethnicity barriers for the sake of fair wages, overtime pay, and the right to join a union. She spoke at the site of the famous “Bread and Roses” strike, which was led by textile workers on a cold January day in 1912 and stretched into March. Addressing a crowd of 3,500 on a blustery day where the wind occasionally rattled a large American flag draped over rusting metal, the senator drew parallels from that moment to the one confronting the country currently.

Copy of White Collar

  • 19 February 2019
  • Author: Local 512
  • Number of views: 0

OPEIU Erie Conference

Conference held May 3-6

  • 15 May 2017
  • Author: Local 512
  • Number of views: 3633
OPEIU International held Erie Training Conference May 3 - 6, 2017.  Training centered on Lobbying the senate and congress.

Local 512 Meeting

Quarterly Board Meeting

  • 21 April 2017
  • Author: Local 512
  • Number of views: 3967

Union Plus Mortgages

Unon Plus Retirement Planning

Special Benefits